Avian Bowl | Alabama 4-H
Avian Bowl | Alabama 4-H
Alabama 4-H Avian Bowl is a double elimination contest for teams patterned after other knowledge bowls. Contestants gain knowledge on subject matter for several species of poultry, food safety, physiology, nutrition, eggs, and many other related subjects. The purpose of Avian Bowl is to
- encourage youth to expand their knowledge of avian facts
- become proficient in poultry management and its related subjects
- serve as an award activity and trip for youth to test their knowledge at a state competition
- help youth with career guidance
- promote the poultry industry by stimulating interest in poultry and other avian species
- make learning fun
A more detailed set of rules is found inside each copy of the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual. Please read the full set of rules before attending a contest.
- A team consists of not less than two (2), and not more than four (4) members.
- All members of a team must be Juniors (ages 9-13) or Seniors (ages 14-18).
- Questions will be fill-in-the-blank (short answer), multiple choice, and spelling.
- A 25-question written exam is given before the contest in order to seed the teams. The scores for the top three individuals will be added and averaged to give a team score.
- If there are an odd number of teams, then a “bye” will be awarded, as necessary, in order to allow all teams to participate.
- There are three types of questions:
- Regular Questions (as mentioned above)
- Bonus Questions (awarded when a team has answered four question correctly with all members participating)
- Tie-breaker Questions
- The winning Senior team represents Alabama 4-H at the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference.
- The winning Senior team is required to commit to three (3) weekends of additional training at Auburn University prior to the national competition. These trainings will be in addition to the continued training provided by the team’s coach. These three (3) dates will be posted on 4-H Online at the time of contest registration. By entering the state contest, teams agree to attend the three (3) additional trainings.
- Correct Answer ………………………………………… +5 points
- Incorrect Answer ………………………………………..-5 points
- Acknowledgement Penalty ………………………….-5 points
- Bonus Question ………………………………………..+10 points
The National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual is now available as a free PDF download. You can download this PDF on the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference website.
Every Alabama Extension county office has been provided with a copy of the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual. Feel free to contact your county’s 4-H agent to set up a time to review the rules and the study sections.
For those that wish to purchase a printed copy of the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual, they can order one through the Clemson University Marketplace. The manual is $15 (no checks accepted).
2023 Study Sections
The study sections for the Alabama 4-H Avian Bowl contest are found in the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual. Note: The study sections change each year. All questions and answers for the 2023 Avian Bowl will come from the following materials in the 2016 version of the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual:
- Prologue to the Avian Bowl Manual
- PDF Download
- Avian Systems (Circulatory, Nervous, Excretory, Muscle, and Skeletal Only)
- Pages 39-40
- Breeds, Carieties, and Strains (Through New Hampshires, Characteristics)
- Pages 67-71
- Eggcyclopedia
- Pages 102-124
- Small Turkey Flock (All)
- Pages 45-54
- The Changing World of Poultry and Egg Markets (Revised Version)
- PDF Download
- Embryology (Daily Development Through Entire Glossary)
- Pages 191-195
- Non-Food Uses of Poultry & Egg Products (New Section)
- PDF Download
Original source can be found here.